Wednesday, October 27, 2021

World of Magic where traditional reasoning dies

 Science - by and large is based on reasoning and logic. I use the word"by and large" as some part of how science as procedure and institution, works on belief surprisingly). World of "LOA" (law of attraction) is quite different one. One thing that does not work here is "logic" and "reasoning".  

Consider LOA as a temple - you need to enter this temple by taking off your foot-ware - that is logical and reasoning mind. If you are a rebel and insist that you cannot part with your reasoning mind - loss is yours. The GOD of LOA world fulfills the wishes of  those devotees that are faith based and believe in magic.

For many of us fried and soaked in the logic of science and scientific thinking - this is almost impossible. We cannot think of giving up logic. But consider this - science work for "material" things that do not have mind on their own. Things like wish, feelings etc do not have place in scientific world unless they follow a logic. Can our day today life work on logic fully - in all our waking world, we want something or the other. Be it money, good relationship, health, mental peace, great job or business. These wants by and large are IRRATIONAL. 

Healer Basker in this Tamil Video explains beautifully the idea of LOA. Normal person (Logic oriented) if wants to buy a beautiful car or house - starts with accumulating money needed for the purpose. Rightly you cannot have that car or house if you don't have required money - that is logic.

How does a LOA person approaches the same? Quite opposite. He/she first starts the desire of owning such car or house - knowing very well that he does not have any money for that purpose.He is solely and irrationally focus on developing the desire and thought for car/house. Through repetition, visualization and strong mental pull for the object - he feels, acts and behaves as though he has it already. This is like a seed. Once the seed of desire is planted properly in sub conscious mind - magic begins. Universe start working for him/her.  Getting required money is not his/her problem anymore. Some how he will get the money needed to buy that car/house.  

If you want to buy a 2 Cr house - what you normally think? income, loan etc. First of all throw all these way. Create a dream and keep playing that dream inside. As this idea of house goes deeper into you - income will start coming. How? magic.

If you are logic oriented - your possibilities in life are limited by what logic permits. But if you are LOA person - your desires will not have any limits.

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Why this is happening or this happens to me (always)?

 Just reflect how many times, you might have said this to yourself in the recent past? From simple traffic on the road to argument with your boss in the office to fight with your spouse or a family member to your health - this question "why me" has killed you more than the event itself.

let us dig deeper into why of this question and how out mind plays with us , how we become victim of this feeling and some suggestions to deal with it.

when you feel like this - when such a question appears in your mind few possible thoughts... you would recognize (later) that you have a fixed mindset and a same thought coming always where as other thoughts are possible. Here you go.

First thought - this is happening because of "that" person or persons. They always want me to lose , they want me to be sad. That person wants me to fail. why cant that person do good for me? I am such a good person, always think good about him/her/them and helped him/her/them. much you trouble me?

Second thought - I am done with this life. No hope from anyone and any side. I am asking "death" from God. "Muze uthale bhagwan" (god give me death). Death is not coming only. I have lost interest in all material things.

Third thoughts - Enough is enough. Let me take revenge for this insult. What do they think I am.  Am I a coward to take all this shit without any reaction. I will show them who I am.  I will make them fall at my feet and beg for mercy and their life. who do they think I am. 

Forth though - Things cannot be as bad as they look. I can manage. I am strong enough. They might be under pressure, might be really helpless. They might be forced to do like this. I am staying positive. This is a temporary phase or moment, Soon this will pass. Very next moment can change the situation never imagined. Miracles do happen with me. God gave this as a lesson to correct some aspect of my personality. This situation/people checking my patience and character. I will stay positive and attract similar positive, healing energy/vibration from the universe.

First thought is of helplessness, second is of victim, third one is of retaliation. All these thoughts put you into a perfect dark red negative frequency zone. Guess what will come in your way? more of similar stuff. Like attracts like. Universe will send of more such " why this is happening to me" type situations. More pain, cry, anger, frustration.

When all of these thoughts are going - funny thing just check where on the timeline your mind will be ... it has traveled back to your child hood days to next 10-20 years. It stretches and generalizes current situation to at least next 1-2 years and future.  This means you are creating a future based on this one situation which is completely imaginary and like a movie.  Like movie - nothing is real and mostly like none of what you imagined will come true. 

So relax ....

what is best way to deal with situations. INTERRUPT  Negative emotions that put you into negative frequency Zone.  Bring in 4th thought (that takes a good possibility) from present bad (however) situation. You will feel batter. That will put you into positive frequency zone and you will start attracting positive energy that will heal your situation and people associated.

Let me know what other types or categories of feeling you get . and how you have handled or handling them.

Monday, October 25, 2021

Simple Introduction to Law of attraction

 Everything in this universe is made up of energy. There is only one kind of Energy hence there are no energies. Forms of energies are not diff kinds of energies. Potential energy and thermal energy are NOT two different type of energy.  They are different manifestations of same energy - different forms if you will.

Energy vibrates with few specific scales of frequency.

We call these frequency scales as Happy, gratitude, sad, negative scales and so on.

We humans and our thoughts are also energy. At a given point of time (awake or sleep) we would be vibrating with some scale of energy.

In energy parlance - like attracts like.

So you attract that energy based what you are currently vibrating.

Key to success, happiness and contentment in the world is to vibrate with that scale of frequency and universe will send all likes of energy to you.

Get started.